
Armadale War Memorial

From Our Contribution

Armadale War Memorial
Armadale War Memorial.jpeg
Armadale War Memorial, the obelisk with original marble plaques with flowers and wreaths laid at the base.
Monument Details
Name Armadale War Memorial
Location Jull Street & Orchard Avenue, Armadale Memorial Park , Armadale, 6112
Dedication Date Saturday 16th December, 1916

Armadale War Memorial commemorates those from Armadale who served in World War One. In May 1959 it was moved to Memorial Park and updated to include the World War Two and Korean conflicts.[1]


City of Armadale war memorial, one of the earliest built in Western Australia to honour soldiers who fought in World War One. Located in what is now Memorial Park, the concept of a brick obelisk was proposed by a group of Armadale residents, businesses and community groups who formed a Roll of Honour Committee in April 1916.[2]

The people of Armadale, not content to commemorate their soldier heroes by way of the customary honour board, conceived the idea of an obelisk, to be erected in the most prominent position in their township. The site is on the high ground facing the railway station so that the memorial will command the attention alike of visitors to the district and travellers passing through by train.[3]

The decision to erect a monument before the war had officially ceased (November 1918) was reportedly due to local concerns that Armadale soldiers departing for the war prior to 1916 were not given an official send-off. The committee approached the Road Board in June 1916 for permission to build the obelisk opposite the railway station at the intersection of Fourth Road and Eleventh Avenue. The Board supported the proposal and agreed to take responsibility for the memorial once it was built. Marian Cullen, wife of Committee Secretary Herbert Dale Cullen, laid the first brick, before a brick was laid by a child from each of the five schools of the district. Mrs Cullen was presented with a “handsome” trowel as a memento of the occasion. This trowel now sits on display in the History House Museum.

It took four months to build the obelisk, constructed from brick, “burnt from the clay of our own hills” (Carter, 2011, p.160 [4]) and steps of granite hewn from the Boya quarries. It was officially unveiled on 16 December 1916 by Governor Sir Harry Barron, and the obelisk continued to serve as a source of pride for Armadale residents.

William James George MLA, who had lost his 20-year-old son in the Gallipoli campaign, was present at the unveiling and said:

The people of Armadale were beginning to think of their men not merely as so many units across the seas, but as persons belonging to them and fighting their battles.


The obelisk was originally erected at the intersection of Fourth Road and Eleventh Avenue near the Armadale Railway Station footbridge. The site was a corner of land gifted by Mrs F. Saw. By the mid-1930s the RSL was suggesting the obelisk could be moved to a site at Soldiers' Memorial Park on Jull Street, however this suggestion was not acted upon, even after further pleas in 1946 and 1953.

Eventually in 1956 Road Board members resolved that the relocation was an urgent matter, requiring action before ANZAC Day that year, yet it was not until 1959 that it was finally moved to Soldiers' Memorial Park by RSL volunteers and supporters.

In October 2011 a number of upgrades were carried out to the obelisk's immediate surroundings as part of a wider revamp of Soldiers' Memorial Park. The upgrades included replacement of the low stone wall (with plaques mounted into the surface of the new wall), a circular walkway of textured concrete and paving inlaid with custom commemorative inserts, plus new wooden benches for visitors.


At least one earlier, albeit smaller, memorial had been dedicated on 20 Sep 1916 at Muradup, a small community near Kojanup.

Monument Details

Front Inscription

1914 1919
Lest We Forget
A record of The Men From Armadale and District Who Volunteered And Served In The Great War For The Liberty Of The World.
The First Brick Of This Obelisk Was Laid By Mrs H Dale Cullen 12th Aug.1916.
Unveiled By The Governor Sir Harry Barron K.C.M.G 16th Dec 1916.

† Died on active service
# Prisoner of war

West Armadale Panel

1916 Panel 1990 Panel 2019 Panel
John Whittaker John Whittaker William Atkins
Harold V Marshall Harold V Marshall Robert Prior Bailey
Leonard Henry (Lennie) Buckingham MM Leonard Henry (Lennie) Buckingham MM Leonard Henry (Lennie) Buckingham MM
John Hickson Tomlinson John Hickson Tomlinson Thomas Buckingham
Henry George Price Henry George Price Arthur Candish
Charles William Price Charles William Price James Candish
Frazer Paterson Henderson Frazer Paterson Henderson William Wright Casterton MM
John Paterson Henderson John Paterson Henderson Cecil Walter Challis
Robert Lauden Rayner Robert Lauden Rayner George Sidney Cook
Albert Thomas Ticklie MM Albert Thomas Ticklie MM Charles Henry Davis
Reginald Samuel Roquerbre Dutton (Listed as R Dutton) Reginald Samuel Roquerbre Dutton (Listed as R Dutton) Alexander Donald
Arthur Candish Arthur Candish George Mouatt Dow
James Candish James Candish Reginald Samuel Roquerbre Dutton
William Simpson William Simpson Arthur Charles Grafham
Robert Prior Bailey Robert Prior Bailey Frazer Paterson Henderson
William Augustus Povah William Augustus Povah James Peter Henderson MM & Bar
William Harrington Edward Watson (Listed as W Watson) William Harrington Edward Watson (Listed as W Watson) John Paterson Henderson
Clarence Victor Watson (Listed as C Watson) Clarence Victor Watson (Listed as C Watson) Stephen Henry Horrocks #†
Alexander Donald Alexander Donald Claude Robert Marsh #†
Edward Price * Edward Price * Stanley Thomas Marsh
Claude Robert Marsh Claude Robert Marsh Harold V Marshall
Leonard George Morgan (Listed as L Morgan) Leonard George Morgan (Listed as L Morgan) Harold Percival Martin
Sidney Francis Till (Listed as S Till) Sidney Francis Till (Listed as S Till) William George Martin
Frederick Robert Weedon (Listed as R. Weedon) Frederick Robert Weedon (Listed as R. Weedon) Henry Joseph Milne
Harold Hopgood Surman Harold Hopgood Surman Leonard George Morgan
Thomas Ramsell Thomas Ramsell John Waldegrave Packer #
Stephen Henry Horrocks Stephen Henry Horrocks Charles Edward Parkin
Henry Joseph Milne Henry Joseph Milne William Augustus Povah
Eric Oswald Strang (Listed as E Strang) Eric Oswald Strang (Listed as E Strang) Bertram Ernest Powell
James Peter Henderson MM & Bar (Listed as Jas Henderson) James Peter Henderson MM & Bar (Listed as Jas Henderson) Charles William Price
Stanley Thomas Marsh (Listed as S Marsh) Stanley Thomas Marsh (Listed as S Marsh) Edward Price
Arthur Werndly Arthur Werndly Henry George Price
Charles Edward Parkin Charles Edward Parkin Thomas Ramsell
Bertram Ernest Powell Bertram Ernest Powell Robert Lauden Rayner
Arthur Charles Grafham Arthur Charles Grafham William Simpson
William George Martin William George Martin Eric Oswald Strang
Cecil Walter Challis Cecil Walter Challis Harold Hopgood Surman
John Morgan Ley (Did not leave Australia) John Morgan Ley (Did not leave Australia) Mount (Mont) Alexander Taylor
James Murray Whiteley James Murray Whiteley Albert Thomas Ticklie MM
Charles Henry Davis Charles Henry Davis Sidney Francis Till
William Wright Casterton MM William Wright Casterton MM John Hickson Tomlinson
Frederick Owen Werndly Frederick Owen Werndly Herbert Winton Turner
George Mouatt Dow George Mouatt Dow William Harrington Edward Watson
Herbert Winton Turner Herbert Winton Turner Frederick Robert Weedon
Frederick White Frederick White Arthur Werndly
Harold Percival Martin (Listed as P Martin) Harold Percival Martin (Listed as P Martin) Frederick Owen Werndly
Frederick White
James Murray Whiteley
John Whittaker

Armadale Panel

1916 Panel 1990 Panel 2019 Panel
Leslie James Godfrey (Listed as L Godfrey) Leslie James Godfrey (Listed as L Godfrey) Leith John Newton Angelo
Hector Lionel Saw Hector Lionel Saw George Henry Aspinall
Leith John Newton Angelo (Listed as J. Angelo) Leith John Newton Angelo (Listed as J. Angelo) Edward Bailey
Thomas Woodard † (Did not leave Australia) Thomas Woodard † (Did not leave Australia) Ronald Adolphous Julian Batt
Aubrey Cecil Dawson Aubrey Cecil Dawson Richard Beattie
Henry Herman Powell Henry Herman Powell Arthur Edward Bingham
Thomas Frederick McDonough (Listed as T McDonough) Thomas Frederick McDonough (Listed as T McDonough) Austin Henry (Paddy) Bingham
James Clarence Taylor James Clarence Taylor William Bingham
Edward Bailey Edward Bailey Charles Blunt
William Francis Cohn (Listed as W. Cohue) William Francis Cohn (Listed as W. Cohue) Henry Bolton
Joseph Charles Joshua Farnell (Listed as J Farnell) Joseph Charles Joshua Farnell (Listed as J Farnell) Harry Douglas Butcher
Keith Herbert Sloan (Listed as K Sloan) Keith Herbert Sloan (Listed as K Sloan) Frederick Charles Close
William Arthur Green (Listed as A. Green) William Arthur Green (Listed as A. Green) Frederick Lawrence Close
Arthur Edward Bingham Arthur Edward Bingham William Francis Cohn #
Austin Henry (Paddy) Bingham Austin Henry (Paddy) Bingham * James Henry Davidson
William Thomas Saw William Thomas Saw Aubrey Cecil Dawson
Frederick James Powell Frederick James Powell Reginald William Edwards
Richard Beattie (Listed as R. Beatty) Richard Beattie (Listed as R. Beatty) Joseph Charles Joshua Farnell
Hartland Wheare Richards (Listed as H Richards) Hartland Wheare Richards (Listed as H Richards) Charles Fielder
Francis William Wakeham Francis William Wakeham Eugene Anthony Gillespie
Charles Fielder Charles Fielder Leslie James Godfrey
Walter David Francis Kerridge (Listed as W Kerridge) Walter David Francis Kerridge (Listed as W Kerridge) William Arthur Green
Henry Bolton Henry Bolton Edward Stanley James
Joseph William Smith (Listed as Jos Smith) Joseph William Smith (Listed as Jos Smith) Victor George James
Charles John Mitchell Charles John Mitchell Herbert Stanley (Bert) Jones
Victor George James Victor George James Victor Henry Jones
Ellis Shackleton Ellis Shackleton Walter David Francis Kerridge
Arthur Cecil Dale Cullen (Listed as A Dale-Cullen. Did not leave Australia) Arthur Cecil Dale Cullen (Listed as A Dale-Cullen. Did not leave Australia) Charles Leonard Lockhart
Vernon Claude Witney (Listed as V Whitney) Vernon Claude Witney (Listed as V Whitney) Thomas Frederick McDonough (Listed as T.J. McDonough) †
George Henry Aspinall George Henry Aspinall Thomas McGow
William Bingham William Bingham Charles John Mitchell
Frederick Charles Close Frederick Charles Close Alfred Tennyson Needham
Harry Douglas Butcher (Listed as H Butcher) Harry Douglas Butcher (Listed as H Butcher) Frederick James Powell
Edward Stanley James Edward Stanley James Henry Herman Powell
Joseph Watson Joseph Watson Isaac Robert Powell
Ralph Chevin Kitley (Listed as R Kitley. Did not leave Australia) Ralph Chevin Kitley (Listed as R Kitley. Did not leave Australia) Frederick Rawlinson #
Hartland Wheare Richards #
Hector Lionel Saw
William Thomas Saw
Ellis Shackleton
Keith Herbert Sloan
Joseph William Smith
John Alexander Spilsbury
James Clarence Taylor
Francis William Wakeham
Charles Alexander Wann *
Daniel Malcolm Wann
Joseph Watson
Sydney Charles Welch
Vernon Claude Witney
Thomas Woodard
Grace Lauritta Lauritz - Nursing Sister
Euphemia Weir Huntley Scott - Nursing Sister
Edith Marion Wilson - Nursing Sister

Bedfordale Panel

1916 Panel 1990 Panel 2019 Panel
Robert Melville Salter (Listed as R Salter) † Robert Melville Salter (Listed as R Salter) † Beverley Loxton Bennett
John Harold Rupert Smith John Harold Rupert Smith Edward Briggs
Edgar Leslie Livermore Edgar Leslie Livermore William Buck
James Winning James Winning Henry (Harry) Butcher
Douglas Campbell Wills Winning (Listed as D Winning) Douglas Campbell Wills Winning (Listed as D Winning) William Edward Butcher MM RMG MID
Stanley Joseph Callow Champion (Listed as S Champion) † Stanley Joseph Callow Champion (Listed as S Champion) † Clarence Roy Champion
William Edward Butcher MM RMG MID William Edward Butcher MM RMG MID Stanley Joseph Callow Champion
Frank William Dowell (Listed as F.J. Dowell) † Frank William Dowell (Listed as F.J. Dowell) † Victor Norman Chandler MM
Albert John Egan MID Albert John Egan MID Thomas Hughie Culbertson
Francis Henry Ryniker (Listed as F Ryniker) Francis Henry Ryniker (Listed as F Ryniker) Frank William Dowell
Frank Erle Waters Frank Erle Waters Oliver John Dowell
Clarence Roy Champion (Listed as R Champion) Clarence Roy Champion (Listed as R Champion) Thomas William Dowell
Thomas Brown Mack (Listed as T Mack) Thomas Brown Mack (Listed as T Mack) Albert John Egan MID
Victor Norman Chandler MM Victor Norman Chandler MM Edgar Leslie Livermore
Arthur William Symonds (Listed as A.Simons) Arthur William Symonds (Listed as A.Simons) John Macarthur Livingston #
William Dobson Stevens William Dobson Stevens Thomas Brown Mack
Hugh Gibson Winning (Listed as H Winning) Hugh Gibson Winning (Listed as H Winning) Edward Dudley Mann
Thomas William Dowell (Listed as T Dowell) † Thomas William Dowell (Listed as T Dowell) † Samuel Vivian Mortimer
Ralph Trotter Ralph Trotter Albert Nock
John Macarthur Livingston John Macarthur Livingston Thomas Edward Raine
Charles Henry Robinson Charles Henry Robinson William Rawlinson
Norman Leslie Skewes Norman Leslie Skewes Charles Henry Robinson
John Alexander Trotter (Listed as J Trotter) † John Alexander Trotter (Listed as J Trotter) † Francis Henry Ryniker #
Thomas Hughie Culbertson (Listed as T. Cuthbertson) Thomas Hughie Culbertson (Listed as T. Cuthbertson) Felix Edmund John Sainsbury
Albert Nock Albert Nock Ernest William Serls
Ernest William Serls (Listed as E Serls) † Ernest William Serls (Listed as E Serls) † Norman Leslie Skewes
Edward Dudley Mann Edward Dudley Mann John Harold Rupert Smith
Ernest Taylor Ernest Taylor William Dobson Stevens
Henry (Harry) Butcher Henry (Harry) Butcher Arthur William Symonds
Beverley Loxton Bennett Beverley Loxton Bennett Ernest Taylor
Oliver John Dowell Oliver John Dowell John Alexander Trotter
Ralph Trotter
Frank Erle Waters
Douglas Campbell Wills Winning
Hugh Gibson Winning
James Winning

Beenup (Byford) Panel

1916 Panel 1990 Panel 2019 Panel
John Wesley Gladstone Turner (Listed as Jno W.G. Turner) † John Wesley Gladstone Turner (Listed as Jno W.G. Turner) † David Forbes Abernethy
John James Emery (Listed as J Emery) † John James Emery (Listed as J Emery) † Edward Armstrong #
George Young George Young George Alexander Armstrong
John Blake John Blake William Barge
Arthur Thomas Orton MM Arthur Thomas Orton MM Gordon Edgar (George) Bennett
Richard William Thomas Boyle (Listed as R W G Boyle) Royal Australian Navy Richard William Thomas Boyle (Listed as R W G Boyle) Royal Australian Navy George Edward Binns
Arthur Percy Thomas Boyle (Listed as P. Boyle) Arthur Percy Thomas Boyle (Listed as P. Boyle) Thomas Bird
William John Martin (1278) (Listed as W Martin) William John Martin (1278) (Listed as W Martin) John Blake #
Alfred Arthur Martin (Listed as A Martin) Alfred Arthur Martin (Listed as A Martin) Arthur Percy Thomas Boyle
William Archer Waller (Listed as W.D. Waller) † William Archer Waller (Listed as W.D. Waller) † Richard William Thomas Boyle Royal Australian Navy
John Edward Thomson (Listed as J.E. Thompson) John Edward Thomson (Listed as J.E. Thompson) Victor Leo Gordon Boyle #
Richard Evans MM Richard Evans MM Albert George Bullock
Thomas Bird Thomas Bird Claude Francis Cooper
James Kershaw James Kershaw Herbert William Coxhead
Victor Leo Gordon Boyle (Listed as V Boyle) Victor Leo Gordon Boyle (Listed as V Boyle) John James Emery
Henry McCavana (Listed as H. McCavanah) Henry McCavana (Listed as H. McCavanah) Claude Eustace Herbert Evans
Henry Richard Keefe (Listed as R O'Keefe) Henry Richard Keefe (Listed as R O'Keefe) Richard Evans MM
Ralph Trotter Ralph Trotter Patrick Francis Fitzgerald
John Alexander Trotter John Alexander Trotter * Bertie Greenfield *
Patrick Francis Fitzgerald (Listed as P Fitzgerald) Patrick Francis Fitzgerald (Listed as P Fitzgerald) Thomas Hesketh æ
Herbert William Coxhead Herbert William Coxhead Frederick Hobbs
Gordon Edgar (George) Bennett Gordon Edgar (George) Bennett John Hobbs
Thomas Hesketh Thomas Hesketh James Owen Horrocks
George Alexander Armstrong (Listed as G Armstrong) George Alexander Armstrong (Listed as G Armstrong) Henry Richard Keefe
Claude Eustace Herbert Evans (Listed as CHC Evans - CHC Evens on Armadale and Districts Roll of Honour)) Claude Eustace Herbert Evans (Listed as CHC Evans - CHC Evens on Armadale and Districts Roll of Honour)) James Kershaw
John Hobbs John Hobbs Dugald Thomas Main
David Forbes Abernethy (Listed as D Abernethy) David Forbes Abernethy (Listed as D Abernethy) Alfred Arthur Martin
George Edward Binns George Edward Binns William John Martin (1278)
William Percival Nairn William Percival Nairn Henry McCavana
William Stephens William Stephens William Percival Nairn
Edward Armstrong Edward Armstrong Arthur Thomas Orton MM
Bertie Greenfield (Listed as T. Greenshilds) Bertie Greenfield (Listed as T. Greenshilds) William Henry Ottey
Frederick Hobbs Frederick Hobbs William Stephens
William Barge William Barge John Edward Thomson
Albert George Bullock (Listed as H Bullock) Albert George Bullock (Listed as H Bullock) John Wesley Gladstone Turner
William Henry Ottey (Listed as W. Otty) William Henry Ottey (Listed as W. Otty) George Charles Unwin
George Charles Unwin George Charles Unwin William Archer Waller
George Young

World War II

Only deaths are listed and all three panels are the same.

1939 1945
To the memory of the men who paid the supreme sacrifice.

Sons of this place, let this of you be said,
that you who live are worthy of your dead,
they gave their lives that you who live may reap,
a richer harvest ere you fall asleep.

Name Service Unit
Arthur Matthew Aitken No. 14 Squadron RAAF
Stanley Gordon Curtis 2/1st Independent Company
Eric Gordon (Ricky) Devereux HMAS Sydney
Thomas Douglas Ellis No. 218 Squadron RAF
Peter Hill HMAS Sydney
Michael Courthope Haynes No. 22 Service Flying Training School
Thomas Charles Johnson HMAS Perth
Edward Johnathon (Ted) Leadbitter 2/4th Australian Machine Gun Battalion
Victor Charles Lowe 2/16th Australian Infantry Battalion
Wallace Nelson McLauchlan 2/32nd Australian Infantry Battalion
John Hector Russell MacDonald 2/28th Australian Infantry Battalion
Francis James Marchant 2/2nd Australian Field Park Company RAE
Frank Keith Morcombe DFC No 2 Squadron RAAF
Jack North 2/16th Australian Infantry Battalion
Leslie John (Jock) Powell DFC Listed as J.L. Powell No 156 Squadron RAF
Herbert Michael (Bert) Rubery 2/4th Australian Machine Gun Battalion
David John Sexty 2/28th Australian Infantry Battalion
James Pryor Thatcher 2/3rd Australian Machine Gun Battalion
David Robert Gerald Watts 2/43rd Australian Infantry Battalion
Edward Watling No. 14 Squadron RAAF
Roy Thomas Aston Wallis No. 250 (Sudan) Squadron RAF


EX 5400269
Private Gerald William Russell
Killed in action in Korea
On May 12th 1953


  1. Jump up "Armadale War Memorial". Monument Australia. 2017. Retrieved May 3, 2017. 
  2. Jump up Carter, Jennie; Carter, Bevan (2011). Settlement to City: A history of the Armadale district and its people. Armadale, W.A.: City of Armadale. p. 159-162. ISBN 978-0-9594944-1-9. 
  3. Jump up "ARMADALE HEROES.". The West Australian. XXXII, (4,483). Western Australia. 14 August 1916. p. 7. Retrieved 31 October 2017 – via National Library of Australia. 
  4. Jump up Carter, Jennie; Carter, Bevan (2011). Settlement to City: A history of the Armadale district and its people. Armadale, W.A.: City of Armadale. p. 159-162. ISBN 978-0-9594944-1-9.